Sunday, May 17, 2020

Freedom Of Speech The First Amendment - 1412 Words

Overview of Free Speech Freedom of Speech. The First Amendment. It’s likely the most well-known part of the United States Constitution, and was considered by the founders of our country to be one of the most important pieces of a free society. While in years prior it has generally been agreed upon that free speech - especially political speech - is vital to democracy, today there are some people singing a different tune. There are those who believe that certain offensive speech (or in some cases any and all offensive speech) should be prohibited by law. This idea of restricting offensive verbal content is known generally as ‘political correctness’ and will be referred to as such here. The First Amendment says that â€Å"Congress shall make no†¦show more content†¦The District Court of Washington, D.C. upheld BCRA, saying it was constitutional for the film and advertisements for it to be restricted. The Supreme Court of the United States had a different o pinion; they struck down the provisions of BCRA that banned corporations and labor unions from using funds to broadcast campaign ads, but upheld a piece of said law that said there must be sponsor disclosures on any advertisement that fits the bill. So, why did this become controversial? To start, the original argument made by Citizens United was that Hillary was a 90-minute film, not an advertisement, so it shouldn’t qualify for BCRA’s rules; but, the initial conversation went down a different path, turning this into a freedom of political speech vs. BCRA type of argument. When the ruling came out, there were obviously those in favor of it (the Courts upheld the First Amendment in their view); and there were those opposed to it, who claimed that it would allow candidates with wealthy donors and Super-PACs backing them to gain more influence over the peoples’ election decisions. Clearly the Supreme Court seems fairly reluctant to silence free speech; but what a bout ordinary citizens? The Case for Political Correctness Political Correctness, or ‘PC’ is seemingly becoming very popular around the nation. Opponents of it argue that people are just getting too sensitive and the ‘PC police’ were stepping in to silence free speech.Show MoreRelatedThe First Amendment And Freedom Of Speech In Schools1571 Words   |  7 PagesThe First Amendment gives the citizens of the United States their most important rights: the right to freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, and the freedom of assembly. Over time these rights have worked themselves into the everyday lives of United States citizens. However, there are still places where our First Amendment rights may be compromised. 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However, the idea of this freedom goes back far before the United States was even declared an independent country. In the 16th century, European thinkers such as John Locke began to discuss freedom of speech as a basic human right, a necessity for a free and thriving society and a well governed country. In the United States, freedom of speech is split intoRead MorePersuasive Essay On Hate Speech1612 Words   |  7 Pages In the name of free speech, hate speech should not be tolerated. Hate speech has devastating effects on the people and communities it is targeted at. Left unchecked hate speech can lead to harmful and violent effects. Over the past few years, the effects of hate speech used on women, homosexuals, ethnic groups and religious minorities have become more and more apparent. 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